The change is now complete. We stand ready to rollback in case there are any complications, but things look good from here.
As a reminder, older TAM6 versions may no longer be able to connect and should have been upgraded by now.
If you are experiencing any connectivity issues with your ERP system and we have not communicated about this recently, please let us know.
Posted Aug 15, 2024 - 11:06 EDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Aug 15, 2024 - 11:00 EDT
EDIT: We will be pushing back this change to August 15th to assist a customer for whom our stunnel workaround did not succeed.
On August 15, 2024, at approximately 11AM Eastern US time, TrackAbout will be making the following change to the Production environment.
Key Details: New IP Address: The new IP address for (Production) will be
Stronger Encryption Ciphers: We will be moving to a stronger set of TLS/SSL encryption ciphers for the Production environment and retiring known-weak ciphers.
This change reflects our commitment to maintaining robust security standards.
Impact: We have monitored customer TLS/SSL connections for the past seven months. We have reached out to customers who might have faced issues transitioning to the new ciphers.
Our logs indicate all potential issues with connections from customer ERP systems have been resolved.
55 Windows Mobile devices synced in the last 30 days are still running an outdated version of TAMobile 6. Our Support Team has been contacting you to upgrade these devices.
The required minimum version of TAMobile 6 is 6.0.345.1. Devices running older versions will be unable to connect or self-upgrade after this change. You are strongly encouraged to find them and update them before August 1st.
A small handful of you have employees or agents using operating systems and web browsers that are no longer supported by their manufacturer. These individuals may find they cannot connect to the TrackAbout Production web site ( after the cutover. Their systems should be upgraded. These are likely systems running unsupported versions of Windows 10, 7 or earlier.
Action Required: - Upgrade old TAMobile 6 devices if you have any - Upgrade PCs or web browsers that are out of support - Ensure that your firewall settings are updated to accommodate the new IP address. For most customers, there is nothing to do here, but we are aware a few of you have our IP in your firewall.
Important Notes: TrackAbout reserves the right to change IP addresses without notice to maintain uptime and fault tolerance. We advise against hardcoding our public IP addresses in your firewall settings to avoid potential outages during service migrations.
Posted Jul 22, 2024 - 17:28 EDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Production Services (Production Application Web Site, Production TAMobile 6 Sync Services).